
Easy Portrait Lighting Set Ups with Westcott

Easy Portrait Lighting Set Ups with Westcott

In this video with Ashley Boring from Westcott, discover easy portrait lighting setups with one, two, and three lights and learn how to transform a...
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Meet Nashville Photographer: Hunter Hart! 👋

Meet Nashville Photographer: Hunter Hart! 👋

Supporting local photographers is one of our favorite parts of being a local camera store. We’ve built a truly wonderful community in Cleveland and...
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The Best Lighting Modifiers for On-Location Photography

The Best Lighting Modifiers for On-Location Photography

In this video from Westcott University, in-house photographer and Top Pro portrait photographer Ashley Boring demonstrates how lighting on location...
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5 Photography Exercises To Do at Home

5 Photography Exercises To Do at Home

It’s cold outside and while outdoor photography can be fun, sometimes it’s more fun to stay inside where it’s warm. Here at Pixel Connection, we’ve...
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Sigma exceeds expectations with its new 85mm f/1.4 ART

Sigma exceeds expectations with its new 85mm f/1.4 ART

The lens that Sigma Art lovers have been waiting for is finally here (almost)! The new Sigma 85mm f/1.4 Art is a welcome addition to Sigma's Art li...
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