10 Tips for Wildlife Photography
Whether you’re walking around your local park or visiting the great outdoors somewhere new, wildlife photography subjects are all around you! Combine your love of adventure and photography and capture wildlife in their natural habitats with these tips and tricks from your favorite local camera store! 

1. Research + Observe Your Subject

Understanding and researching the behaviors, patterns, and routines of the animals you are photographing is important when photographing wildlife. By learning about your subjects you can identify potential shots ahead of time or anticipate their movements and behaviors in the field. Knowing your subject and understanding a little bit about how they behave can really help you gather some awesome shots. 


2. Gear Up

Perhaps the second most important piece to wildlife photography is having the right gear! Having the right gear can make a significant difference in your images! 
Camera: Invest in high-speed DSLRs or mirrorless cameras for their fast autofocus and excellent low-light performance.
Lenses: Telephoto lenses (200mm or more) are essential for capturing wildlife subjects, as you will likely be shooting from a distance. 
Tripod: When using a long lens and photographing in the great outdoors, you’ll want to invest in a sturdy tripod. 
Stop by Pixel Connection's camera stores in Cleveland, Ohio and Nashville, Tennessee to shop wildlife photography gear! 


3. Be Patient

Patience is key to capturing wildlife images! Prepare for long hours of waiting for the perfect shot. The images will be worth the wait!

4. Blend In

Remember that when photographing wildlife it will be easy to stick out, especially to animals who are easily startled by human presence. Blend into the surroundings with neutral-colored clothing. Consider utilizing natural elements, hides, or blinds to conceal yourself. Limit disruptions by being mindful of your movements and noises. Make sure to avoid damaging or changing the natural habitat of the animals and educate yourself on local regulations or rules put in place to protect wildlife. 

5. Leverage Natural Light

Early morning and late afternoon “golden hours” can be the perfect time to photograph wildlife. These hours provide the best conditions for soft, diffused light that will really elevate your wildlife photography.

6. Focus on the Eyes

Compelling wildlife images start in the eyes. Ensure that your subjects eyes are sharp and in focus, you can also leverage catchlights in the eye to create a more life-like image.

7. Camera Settings

Be familiar with your camera and be prepared to make settings adjustments quickly. While your shooting conditions may change from moment to moment keep these tips in mind.  
  • Shutter Speed: Fast shutter speeds are essential, ideally 1/1000s or faster, to freeze motion. Fast shutter speeds are especially useful for capturing fast-moving animals like birds in flight. 
  • Aperture: Using a wider aperture, like f/2.8 - f/5.6, creates a shallow depth of field that will help make your subject stand out against a blurred background.
  • ISO: Utilize a higher ISO in low-light conditions to keep shutter speeds fast. Modern cameras handle high ISO well, so while being mindful of noise, don’t be afraid to push it when necessary! 


8. Composition + Framing
Applying basic composition and framing techniques can elevate your images! Use these techniques to create compelling wildlife images! 
  • Rule of Thirds: Utilize off-center positioning of your subject within your scene to create a more visually balanced and interesting scene.
  • Leading Lines: Use natural lines to guide your viewer’s eye to the subject.
  • Framing: Natural elements such as foliage, rocks, branches, and trees can be helpful in framing your subject. 

9. Post-Processing

While editing can be an essential part of  your process and bring out the best in your photos, over-editing can make your images look unnatural. Aim for natural-looking enhancements to exposure, contrast, sharpness, and more.

10. Practice Makes Perfect!
Like any new photography endeavor, it can take some time to get it right! Don't be afraid to experiment and figure out what works best for you and your photos! 
Wildlife photography can be a challenging but rewarding photographic opportunity. With the right gear and plenty of practice you can create awesome wildlife images. Grab your camera, head outside, and capture the incredible wildlife all around you! 
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